Meeting Date:
9/25/2023 - 6:30 PM
Tax Rate Hearing
Tax Rate Hearing
Board Goals:
4. Financial Responsibility i. Maintain a healthy Operational Fund ii. Identify Partners to support schools and programs iii. Facility Management and Capital Improvement Program iv. Compare and compete with similar school districts
File Attachment:
Background & Rationale:
Tax Rate Hearing to establish the Tax Rate Ceiling in compliance with RSMo. Section 137.073.2 The total proposed tax rate is the same as the prior year.
Budget to be Charged:
I move that the Board approve the proposed tax rate of $5.1994 for Incidental and $1.1206 for Debt Service, for a total tax rate of $6.3200 in compliance with RSMo. Section 137.073.2 based on the Jackson County Notice of Assessed Valuation 2023.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jacqui Vernon - Director of Finance Operations
Signed By:
Terry Gibson - Chief Executive Finance & Operations Officer
Signed By:
Penelope Martin-Knox - Superintendent