Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/12/2021 - 6:30 PM
Category: New Business
Type: Action
Subject: Demographic Study
Board Goals:
3. Strive to become the district of choice for the metropolitan area
i. attract, recruit, and retain a high-quality, diverse staff ii. Achieve the hiring of qualified certified minority candidates that reflect student enrollment, with incremental increases of 5% per year for 5 years iii. Provide competitive salaries and benefits iv. Maintain and increase student enrollment
Enclosure RFP
RFP response tabulation sheet
File Attachment:
Demographer RFP 3.13.20 (1).pdf
Demographer RFP Responses - Sheet1.pdf
Transfinder Demographic and Enrollment Study Response (2).pdf
MGT technical proposal to Raytown C2 School District RFP.pdf
Background & Rationale: The district released this RFP in March 2020 but tabled it until the environment stabilized. The responders were contacted and asked to confirm their continued interest and pricing. With the assumption that the district will return to a more typical schedule in the fall, it seems appropriate to consider conducting the study.

The reason for the study is to examine our declining enrollment and how it impacts facility use and boundaries.
Budget to be Charged: Operations - ESSER II
Motion: I move to accept Business Information Systems proposal to conduct a demographic study at a cost of $23,500.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Steve Shelton - Associate Superintendent of Operations
Signed By:
Dr. Allan Markley - Superintendent