Meeting Date:
12/11/2023 - 6:30 PM
New Business
University Health Career Connections Student Program Agreement
Board Goals:
1. Continuous growth towards mastery and improvement for every student through relevant and rigorous curriculum and instruction i. Providing a safe and clean environment ii. Early success through early childhood education iii. Technology Plan improving virtual technology and social networking iv. Project based Learning (STEAM)
2023-2024 University Health Career Connections Student Program Agreement
File Attachment:
Background & Rationale:
University Health is a partner of our Real World Learning program, assisting with student opportunities in mock-interviews, resume writing, client-connected projects, guest speaking, and career fairs. This agreement will provide opportunities for job shadowing opportunities for students and possible internships as well as possible externships for teachers.
Budget to be Charged:
I move that the Board approve the University Health Career Connections Student Program agreement as presented.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jessica Bassett - Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
Signed By:
Penelope Martin-Knox - Superintendent