Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/8/2024 - 6:30 PM
Category: Consent Agenda
Type: Action
Subject: Monthly Bills, Financial and Budget Reports
Board Goals:
Maintain Fiscal & Operational Integrity and Accountability
-Accurate, timely, and complete transparent financial reporting. -Provide a budget aligned with the district's strategic plan. -Maintenance of a long-range capital improvement plan. -Financial operations focused on policy compliance and efficiency.
File Attachment:
Revenue Fund Account Totals by Fund_Function_Object.pdf
Expenditure Fund Account Totals by Fund_Function_Object.pdf
February 2024 Check Register Accounts Payable.pdf
Revenue_Expense Report February (closed).pdf
Revenue_Expense Report March (before close).pdf
Financial Report Executive Summary - April 2024.pdf
Background & Rationale: The Board acknowledges its fiduciary responsibility for funds received by the District. Board members, staff and others who have a business relationship with the District will act with integrity, diligence and in matters involving the fiscal resources of the District.
Budget to be Charged:
Motion: Consent Agenda
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jacqui Vernon - Director of Finance Operations
Signed By:
Dr. Carl Calcara - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Signed By:
Penelope Martin-Knox - Superintendent