Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/13/2022 - 4:00 PM
Category: New Business
Type: Action
Subject: COVID Leave
Board Goals:
4. Financial Responsibility
i. Maintain a healthy Operational Fund ii. Identify Partners to support schools and programs iii. Facility Management and Capital Improvement Program iv. Compare and compete with similar school districts
File Attachment:
Background & Rationale: Due to a major decrease in employee absences due to COVID, the 10 additional days of leave for vaccinated employees is not longer needed.
Budget to be Charged:
Motion: I move that the board approve to end the up to 10 days of COVID leave put into place by the Board on August 9, 2021.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Marlene DeVilbiss - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Signed By:
Dr. Allan Markley - Superintendent