Meeting Date:
10/9/2023 - 6:30 PM
Consent Agenda
Request for Proposal English Language Arts - 9-12 Comprehensive Reading And Writing Resource Adoption
Board Goals:
1. Continuous growth towards mastery and improvement for every student through relevant and rigorous curriculum and instruction i. Providing a safe and clean environment ii. Early success through early childhood education iii. Technology Plan improving virtual technology and social networking iv. Project based Learning (STEAM)
File Attachment:
Background & Rationale:
The Raytown C-2 School District is seeking a comprehensive 9-12 English Language Arts instructional resource. The District seeks to retain the services of a company that will provide a comprehensive resource that would include a varied selection of grade level reading and writing exercises and supports, digital component, training, and professional learning opportunities for instructional staff.
Budget to be Charged:
Consent Agenda
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Tyler Britt - Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Signed By:
Chris Greiner - Chief Executive Academic Office
Signed By:
Penelope Martin-Knox - Superintendent