Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/9/2023 - 6:30 PM
Category: Consent Agenda
Type: Action
Subject: Board Member/ELT Monthly P-Card Review
Board Goals:
4. Financial Responsibility
i. Maintain a healthy Operational Fund ii. Identify Partners to support schools and programs iii. Facility Management and Capital Improvement Program iv. Compare and compete with similar school districts
File Attachment:
C Calcara Sept 23.pdf
P Martin-Knox Sept 23.pdf
C Greiner Sept 23.pdf
J Bassett Sept 23.pdf
M Verlinden Sept 23.pdf
Background & Rationale: During the Finance Committee's FY17 audit review, the auditor recommended all Board member p-card transactions be reviewed/approved. Decision was made to review Board member and ELT p-card transactions on a monthly basis.

No p-card statement will be attached for those with no transactions in any given month.
Budget to be Charged:
Motion: Consent Agenda
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jacqui Vernon - Director of Finance Operations
Signed By:
Terry Gibson - Chief Executive Finance & Operations Officer
Signed By:
Penelope Martin-Knox - Superintendent