Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
12/11/2023 - 6:30 PM  
Consent Agenda  
Donations to RQS  
Board Goals:
Strengthen Community Relations and Communications
-Foster a culture of trust by proactively and openly sharing District processes, decisions and information in a transparent and timely manner. -Collaboration with community, business, government, and higher education, and organizational leaders is established to provide opportunities for students to create positive change and service to our community. -The Board, staff, parents, and community will work collaboratively, proactively and responsibly to ensure the academic and psychological wellbeing of all students. -Maintain a consistent social media presence with weekly posts about District events and activities.
File Attachment:
Donation to SW.pdf
Donation to RQS.pdf
Donation to SV.pdf
Donation to RQS.pdf
Donations to NF.pdf
Donation to RQS.pdf
Donation to RO.pdf
Background & Rationale:
Donation of paint worth $82.00 from Casi and Iris at Lowe's to Southwood Elementary School.

Donation of $4,550.00 from Mary Lee Skitek at Raytown Three Trails Kiwanis to RQS' Family Support Services.

Donation of free pizza slice coupons worth $250.00 from Casey's Gas Station to Spring Valley Elementary School.

Donation of LifeVac Kits worth $1,900.00 from Girls Scouts NW MO/NE KS for Raytown Schools.

Donation of cookies and brownies for staff conferences worth $75.00 from Ascension Lutheran to Norfleet Elementary School.

Donation of sandwiches and chips for staff conferences worth $225.00 from Skyline Church to Norfleet Elementary School.

Donation of drinks for staff conferences worth $75.00 from Rivers Edge Fellowship to Norfleet Elementary School.

Donation of 14 office chairs, 13 pairs of scissors, 10 reams of colored paper worth $6,864.00 from General Services Administration to Raytown School District.

Donation of snacks for backpacks worth $300.00 from Ivanhoe United Church of Christ to Robinson Elementary School.
Budget to be Charged:
Consent Agenda  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Penelope Martin-Knox - Superintendent